As soon as he had warped in, he was already asking for Orca boosts. I did a quick check of his profile and saw, to my surprise, that he was not a supporter of the New Order! Surely he would not have entered without a permit just after I had finished punishing another miner.
It's understandable for people to give a chuckle upon meeting me. I'm a funny guy. I make funny movies. This was neither here nor there, and I asked him to clarify. Of course, he gave me the usual miner sarcasm. No respect for Agents, I tells ya'.
Fu. Fu?
I felt that Fu was not going to help him out here. This Fu guy wasn't even in local, what could he do to me? I proceeded to bump peltar away from the ice he so coveted, only to find him warping off to the other end of the ice belt. I've included below a picture of the Kamio ice belt, which is approximately 310km across. This distance means that miners can warp their ships to another location away from Agents with relative ease.
My Invincible Stabber, however, can cover that distance much faster. I immediately gave chase!
peltar was once again knocked away from the ice he warped to with a few skillful bumps. I'd like to give an extra hearty shout out to the Kamio locals for correcting peltar's terrible spelling. Bumping takes much concentration to perform!
Still, the second ice cycle denial was not enough to deter peltar from purchasing a permit. He once again warped, this time to the beginning of the ice belt near the warp in point. For all you aspiring Agents out there, never let up on your target no matter how far away or how often they warp. Keeping them warping prevents them from mining and even fills a few squares of your Miner Bingo board!
I caught up to peltar yet again and swiftly bumped him away from his third mining attempt. After he was 20km away from the asteroid he initiated warp, even though his mining lasers were still active. I let him know that this warp would kill his ice cycle, denying him of the ice he so wished to collect. He had none of it, and warped off to the far end of the ice belt.
What potty language! I caught up to him and found that he had squeezed up against an asteroid in a last-ditch effort to keep me from knocking him away. Well, it's a good thing the Stabber is shaped like a futuristic crowbar, because I was able to pry him away and send him flying one more time.
My persistence with peltar the1 had paid off. After his fourth ice cycle was denied, he gave up and warped back to the station. I reminded him as his Mackinaw sped off, multiple dents pounded into his hull, to return next time with a Mining Permit. As soon as I said this, a request for a private conversation from him popped up. Was he finally ready to pay?
What a very silly question.
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